The best second hand Milling Machines with performance of a new one.
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ZAYER 30KCU 8000AR - 77213
ZAYER 30KCU 8000 used milling machine
Control unit SIEMENS 840D.
Travels (X/Y/Z): 8020 / 1252 / 3503 mm.
Automatic millesimal milling head.
Automatic tool changer (ATC-60)
Rotary table: 2,5 x 2 m.
Find out more details about this travelling column milling machine!
ZAYER KM-11000 - 61023
Second hand ZAYER milling machine, mobile column and fixed bed.
Control unit HEIDENHAIN TNC-415.
Travels (X/Y/Z): 9300 / 1010 / 2000 mm.
DM25 milling head.
External coolant.
Heidenhain electronic handwheel.
Option: new guarding.
For immediate delivery!
Find out more details about this travelling column milling machine!
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